This week marks the release of Finale v26.2.2, a free-of-charge update for all owners of Finale version 26. This update offers several notation improvements in advance of our upcoming music content sharing mechanism, and also includes specific updates for both Mac and Windows users.
Notation Improvements—Music XML
- Exact slur positions are now exported.
- Hidden clefs now export as hidden.
- Hidden Smart Shapes are no longer exported.
- Hidden time signatures at the start of a part now export as senza misura.
- Hyperlinks for measure-attached text blocks are now exported.
- Metronome font information is now exported.
- Parts with no visible clefs are now imported without clefs displaying.
- Positions of text repeats at the end of multimeasure rests export more accurately.
- Staff Style changes in the middle of the first measure are now exported.
- Text in the JazzText, Broadway Copyist Text, and Finale Copyist Text fonts now exports more accurately, especially for codas, segnos, and metronome marks.
- The Scale Expression with Attached Note setting found in the Expression Assignment dialog box is supported during export.
Page Layout (Mac Users Only)
Finale 26.2.2 maintains the page layout when opening a file with the Automatic Update Layout option deselected from the “Preferences – Edit” dialog box.
Note Entry (Windows Users Only)
Note entry input times for large scores and scores using NotePerformer now match 26.1.
Installation Instructions
Ready to install? If you own Finale v26, here’s how to get the free update:
- Either follow the update prompt in Finale or:
- Mac: Choose Finale > Check for Update, then click Install Update. The download begins immediately.
- Windows: Choose Help > Check for Update, then click Install Update. The download begins immediately.