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Finale makes creating a pickup measure easy: either specify the pickup measure as you complete Finale’s Setup Wizard, or go to Document > Pickup Measure.
Either way, you’ll turn the first measure of your piece into a pickup measure. If you want the pickup measure to appear elsewhere, however, try this:
- With the Time Signature Tool selected, double-click on the measure you wish to change.
- Click “Options” (Win) or “More Choices” (Mac).
- Set the top time signature to accommodate the actual number of beats in the measure: For a quarter note pickup, set the time signature to 1/4.
- Check “Use a Different Time Signature for Display,” and control what is displayed with the bottom time signature, typically indicating the time signature of the adjacent measures.
- Set the proper measure region, for example “Measure 21 through 21,” and press OK.
Now you should have a measure that looks like a regular 4/4 measure, but will only allow for one quarter note or rest to be entered, and will space properly.
If measure numbers are impacted, you can select the measure tool, double-click on this measure, de-select “Include in measure numbering,” and click OK.
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