Finale Blog: Travel the World with Garritan Sounds

Last month we launched our “Take Your Music Further with Garritan” music composition contest.

In it, we invite contestants to develop a provided musical theme to create a piece of music – using Garritan sounds – that invokes their dream travel destination. The grand prize is a $2,000 United Airlines gift card and $500 in spending money.

Where would you go? Thailand looks good to me today.

We’ve enjoyed hearing the first batch of entries in the contest, and you can check them out too. To do so, and learn more about the contest, visit the contest home.

We’ve received feedback that people would like to see the contest rules before they install the Facebook contest app, and we’ve made that change: Simply click on “Official Rules” on the contest page and the rules will appear.

Note the rules indicate that eligible music compositions will not exceed 90 seconds in length. Nevertheless we’ve received a handful of submissions that were just a little longer than 90 seconds. When this happens, contestants are asked to resubmit a shorter entry. I’d suggest checking your audio file, by playing it in iTunes or another application, to make sure it is 90 seconds or shorter before you send it in.

If I was eligible to enter the contest, I’d probably keep refining my piece and not submit it until much closer to the deadline at noon (ET) on Thursday, March 15th. Are you a procrastinator too? Let us know how it’s going by clicking on “Comments” below.


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