New Finale Sounds, from a Didgeridoo to a Concert D Piano

New Finale Sounds, from a Didgeridoo to a Concert D Piano

Working on a new piece? Maybe it needs a didgeridoo. Or a djembe. Or a dulcimer.

Or, perhaps just the sounds of a stunning Concert D grand piano.

More than 100 new Garritan sounds have been added in the new Finale (including those mentioned above, and others that don’t begin with the letter D). These additions augment the already impressive collection provided in previous versions. An updated ARIA Player is included, too, with a new interface that makes accessing these sounds easier than ever before.

Seeing is Believing

You can see a list of all the Garritan sounds included in the new Finale in this chart. We’ve subtly indicated sounds added in this version with a discrete “NEW!”

Also included are non-Garritan sounds. These appear in the chart as well, and include Virtual Drumline sounds from Tapspace Percussion. While it’s an impressive list, reading about sounds is like talking about food. Or something.  It’s not really satisfying. You need to hear the sounds…

Hearing is Better

Below is a playlist of pieces created entirely with sounds included in Finale. Here the emphasis is on sounds added in the new Finale. To start, check out the Didgeridoo, the Concert D, or the Harp example.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”530″ height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]


Don’t own the new version yet? You can purchase Finale, upgrade from a previous version, or trade-up from other MakeMusic (and competitors’) products. Learn more at

Didgeridoo image courtesy of imagicity.


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